Thursday 20 September 2012

Caverswall Quilt Cave

Posh Lizi's most stunning Log Cabin thirds are now all stitched together... at least the backs are. there's a bit more stitching needing to be done on one of the top joins but, apart from that, it's almost binding and toot toot toot time! 
We're having a bit of a run on large sandwiches at the Quilt Cave lately. For several weeks we have needed to use every single table... This is Jolly Jo's Stack-n-Whack Kaleidoscope quilt sandwich, she had already pinned her Jelly Roll quilt... she's certainly got plenty of quilting to do.
Chatty Cathy also made a sandwich, you can just about see it here, top right of the picture, it's a king size bed scarf of tiny Log Cabin blocks and is as long as the stage. Front and centre are Cathy's Kaleidoscope blocks, she was deciding which fabrics to use as borders and sashing, the Indian Batik will make a great backing Fabric, don't you think?

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