Thursday 15 December 2011

Quick Table Toppers

Here are a few pictures from both Caverswall and Uttoxeter meetings.
Quick Table Toppers, the ladies have made hundreds of them....

This one's Wendy's, done with QAYG (Quilt As You Go) for a Christmas gift though made to use all year long as it's not Christmassy at all, the colours are brighter than they look here.

I think this one belongs to Chris The Foot, she started three or four of them last Wednesday and needed them all in the post on Friday! Last Minute Chris could be her new name now that the foot it fully mended.

Lizzy from Uttoxeter class decided she needed a few extra Christmas treats for friends, Table Toppers to the rescue!

Joan The Shop made several Toppers, she added 6 place mats to each making the full table sets. She's getting a bit fed up of binding and corner turning, she's getting plenty of practise though eh. One more set to go!

Another made by Wendy, this one is for her very own self, tis very chic indeed. Black and silver, party colours? and the silver fabric is very silky shiny!

I'm not positive who this one belongs to but I have a feeling it's Shirley Lerly's, maybe it's Chris's? It's been made with QAYG, looks like it was made with bigger sizes too... lovely.

This belongs to either Shirley Lerly , I think it is Lerly's hand (which means I am wrong about the one above) or Chris, though it could be Foxy Margaret's?  Obviously I'm loosing the plot.. can't keep up with the Toppers, sooo many!

There are more too, luckily I don't have pictures of them all... how confused would I have been then?

More pictures later....

1 comment:

Maggi said...

There are going to be a lot of beautifully decorated tables around this Christmas. No matter that you are losing the plot, the pictures are lovely anyway!