Sunday 8 June 2008

Quilt Class

Yesterday was another very busy day at Paula's. I almost forgot to take any photographs!!
We had 3 new ladies join us.
In red is Paula, she is learning hand piecing and so was making templates for the blocks. Cristina used her sewing machine to make her Rail Fence cushion cover.
Magda will also be hand piecing but I didn't get a photo of her..

Sara is putting the final border on her Rail Fence table runner. Next time she will bring the backing fabric and we can make the sandwich so that she can get it quilted.

Dorila decided to start a project with Christmas colours. Her table runner hasn't been quilted yet because her walking foot hasn't arrived.

This photo was taken at the end of class... The ladies bought so many different fabrics and there hadn't been a free moment to replace the bolts..... Paula was slowly disappearing behind the fabric piles!

Anabela decided to do her bit to help, the problem is that when you are putting the bolts away, some fabrics just want to go home with you..... so she stayed a while to have a few metres cut!!

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