Sunday 13 April 2008

Scrappy Bargello

Well, you can guess what I have been doing today..... I love this design!! Scrappy Bargello . This time I used 2" strips as I had so many of them already cut. All these strips used and my 2" strip drawer is still full!
It took me a ages to decide what to use for my borders. My Dad was trying to help me... it was quite amusing, given that he is in the UK and I am in Portugal, he was looking at the photograph from the Friday entry... and he was on Skype!! ha ha

After many auditions I ended up back at my first choice, as usual! So that is the top done, now I will start to piece something to put on the back.... looking at orange fabrics ... hmmmmmm

1 comment:

AlmaRosa said...

Angie querida,
Your bargello turned out perfect I absolutely love it!
Alma Rosa